Board and Committee Interest Form for 2025

  • 10 Sep 2024
  • 29 Nov 2024


Registration is closed

We are seeking individuals who share our enthusiasm and vision of community associations and the role CAI and our Chapter plays in supporting our community volunteers, managers and business partners.

We are looking for potential Committee Members or Board of Directors members. Nominations are being accepted beginning immediately and are open through October 10, 2023. You must be a current paid member of the Chapter to qualify.  

Our Committees are as follows:

  • Communications - Works on our quarterly magazine
  • Membership - Works to recruit and retain members
  • Social - Works to plan our social events
  • Programs - Works to plan our monthly programs
  • EXPO - Plans and executes our annual Trade Show

Specifically, for our Board this year, we are looking for a:

  • Business Partner
  • HOA Volunteer Leader

To volunteer or nominate a key person in our industry who you believe can help make a significant contribution to our organization, simply answer the questions on the "Registration" Form.

We look forward to continuing the success, growth and excitement in our Chapter, and we feel confident that YOU can make a difference by volunteering today.

Here is some more information that may be helpful to you, regarding responsibilities and process.

Our board meets monthly, currently on the third Wednesday of the monthly via Zoom, from 8:30a-9:30am. It is expected that you would be at those meetings. It is also expected that you would be at our monthly events, typically on the second Thursday at breakfast or lunch time, as well as our EXPO, and special events.

From our bylaws . . .



SECTION 1. Powers of the Board of Directors.

The Board of Directors shall have supervision, control, and direction of the affairs and property of the Chapter, shall determine the policies of the Chapter, shall actively pursue the purposes and objectives of the Chapter and CAI, shall ensure that the Chapter and its Bylaws comply with the policies and procedures of CAI, and adopt such rules, regulations, and procedures for the conduct of its business, for the execution of its powers, for the implementation of these Bylaws and the fulfillment of the purposes and objectives of the Chapter and CAI as it shall deem necessary or advisable.

SECTION 2. Composition of the Board.

A. The Board of Directors shall be composed of the number of Directors as determined by the Members, but in no event, shall be fewer than five (5) or more than eleven (11) Directors. No more than one person from any company may serve on the Board at any one time. The composition of At-Large seats on the Board of Directors shall not provide any one membership category with more than fifty percent (50 %) of the seats on the Board of Directors. The composition and size of the Board of Directors may be increased from time to time as desired by a vote of the majority of the members.

B. Composition: The Board of Directors must represent all membership classes as determined by the Board of Trustees as follows:

Seven (7) Directors, which shall include:

  • One (1) Community Association Volunteer
  • Two (2) Community Association Manager
  • Two (2) Business Partner
  • Two (2) At-Large Members

In the event that a Director’s class of membership changes during his term of service, he shall complete the remainder of the current election year, so long as the makeup of the Board is not compromised, in which case his slot will be automatically forfeited. Any subsequent Board service must be in a position designated for his then class of membership.

SECTION 3. Term of the Board of Directors.

Each Director shall serve for a term of three (3) years or until his successor has been appointed. Board of Directors terms shall be staggered so that the terms of not more than one-third of the Directors expire each year. A member may serve on the Board of Directors for a total of six (6) years. Those years of service do not have to be consecutive. After a Member has served for six (6) years, they may not serve again for three (3) years. At that time, they begin the process of accumulating their six (6) years again.

SECTION 4. Nomination and Election of Directors.

A. Except as otherwise provided in these Bylaws, each Member in good standing shall be eligible for nomination to serve as a Director.

B. Nominations of individuals to serve as Directors shall be made by the Nominating Committee in accordance with these Bylaws and such rules and procedures as may be established by the Board of Directors. Nominations of individuals to serve as Directors may also be made by written petition signed by at least twenty-five (25) members.

C. The Nominating Committee shall submit to the Members at least seventy-five (75) days before the date set for the election of Directors a written report specifying the Director Election Date and setting forth a slate of nominees to serve as Directors. Such slate shall be comprised of one nominee for each of the available seats on the Board of Directors that are to be filled. The slate shall designate the Membership Representation Group to be represented by each nominee. Petitions for nominees to serve as Directors must be received by the Nominating Committee at least forty-five (45) days before the election date. If any petition is received within such time, the Nominating Committee shall, at least thirty (30) days before the election day, submit to the Members a written ballot containing the names of all eligible nominees, indicating, for each nominee, whether he or she was nominated by the Nominating Committee or by petition. The ballot shall indicate the date by which it must be returned in order to be counted and such other information as may be required by state law. The persons receiving the most votes shall be elected. In the event of a tie vote, the chapter board will vote to break the tie, and the person(s) receiving the highest number of votes shall be elected.

D. If no petitions are received by the Nominating Committee within the time prescribed in these Bylaws, then, on the Director Election Date, the Secretary shall cast a unanimous ballot for the slate of nominees nominated by the Nominating Committee and such nominees shall be declared elected Directors of the Chapter.

E. No candidate may campaign for election or cause another individual or individuals to campaign on behalf of the candidate. A candidate campaigning for election who is elected shall be disqualified from serving.